Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse Deluxe
Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse Deluxe

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Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse Deluxe



Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse Deluxe has the perfect blend of puzzles and decorating! The Walkers have decided to open a coffeehouse in Animalville and they need your sharp eyes and skillful hands to get the job done. Help the Walkers create the perfect coffeehouse with exotic coffees and delicious pastries as you declutter and solve puzzles in Shopping Clutter 21 - Coffeehouse Deluxe!

Deluxe Features

  • Declutter to find the right equipment and stylish furniture!
  • Enjoy 140 clutter puzzles and 20 additional puzzles.
  • Discover all-new coffee-themed items.
  • Find out which coffees each of the Walker family prefers!