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Alicia Quatermain and the Stone of Fate Deluxe

Release date: 20 July 2018

Alicia Quatermain and the Stone of Fate Deluxe is the tale of a smart girl-turned-adventurer! On the hunt for the Stone of Fate, Alicia must travel through Indian jungles to Tibetan mountains, overcoming traps, disasters, and saving tiger cubs along the way. Embark on strategic time management adventure today with Alicia Quatermain and the Stone of Fate Deluxe!

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Alicia Quatermain and the Stone of Fate Deluxe features

  • tour the world, from India to Tibet
  • discover challenging hidden puzzles and bonus levels
  • take on special challenges in difficult mode
  • meet fascinating characters and embark on adventure

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What our players think of Alicia Quatermain and the Stone of Fate Deluxe
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| Age: 62 | Added on 20-08-2018
The game is awesome...I've had to stop myself from finishing it too quickly as it is one of those addictive ones. I've often had to replay a level as I only figure out what's important towards the end.