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Fairy Land - The Magical Machine

Release date: 3 June 2013

This game might not work properly on some newer Windows 11 systems.
Fairy Land has lost its magic! You must restore the magic in Fairy Land – The Magical Machine, a mystical match 3 plus hidden object adventure. As the magic wizard, you are determined to bring the magic back now and you've designed an enchanted machine to help do just that. You are on a mission and you won't stop till you've brought the magic back. The land you love was a beautiful paradise filled with magical creatures including fairies, dragons, elves, and other mystical beings. You must collect several rare elements for your machine. The search is on! Quest for the rare elements and restore the magic to Fairy Land when you try the free trial version of Fairy Land – The Magical Machine or download the full-unlimited version today!

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Fairy Land - The Magical Machine features

  • Choose from three modes of play: Casual, Advanced, and Hardscore.
  • Choose from four different types of match 3 styles.
  • Bring the magic back to Fairy Land.
  • Use special artifacts and collect rare elements.

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