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Dora Saves the Snow Princess

Release date: 17 December 2011

Rescue the Snowy Forest from a mean witch in Dora Saves the Snow Princess, a colorful game for kids of all ages.

A witch put a spell on the magical Snowy Forest and now it is starting to melt. Only the Snow Princess can reverse the curse, but first she needs to be rescued as well. Grab your gloves and hat then join Dora and her friends on this fantastic adventure through a winter wonderland.

Follow along with Dora, Boots, Swiper, and Pirate Piggy as they travel this enchanted land. Meet fantastic new friends as you paddle a canoe, steer a dogsled, ride the winged horse Pegasus, and more on your adventure. With hidden clickables, fun mini-games, and amazing rewards, playing and learning throughout this snow-filled world will be so much fun.

Try the free trial version or download the full-unlimited version of Dora Saves the Snow Princess today!

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Dora Saves the Snow Princess features

  • Travel on a snow-filled adventure with Dora, Boots, Swiper, and Pirate Piggy.
  • Help them rescue the Snow Princess and save the Snowy Forest from a witch.
  • Meet fantastic new friends as you paddle a canoe, steer a dogsled, and ride Pegasus.
  • Locate hidden clickable areas and play fun mini-games.
  • Enjoy learning with your friends and earn amazing rewards.

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