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12 Labours of Hercules II - The Cretan Bull

Release date: 17 July 2014

Hercules continues his quest! Join him on the journey to tame the infamous, bull of Greek mythology in 12 Labours of Hercules II – The Cretan Bull, a time management challenge presented in a colorful comic book style.

Frightened by the evil goddess Hera, the Cretan bull goes wild, running through towns, destroying everything in its path. Roads and buildings are in ruins and Hercules comes to the rescue. Start out with the basics helping Hercules to rebuild and restore, and continue on to bigger challenges of building new wonders and solving perplexing puzzles.

Join Hercules on his quest to restore the damage and tame the rampaging beast when you play the free trial version or download the full version of 12 Labours of Hercules II – The Cretan Bull today!

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12 Labours of Hercules II - The Cretan Bull features

  • Enjoy a classic time management game set in Ancient Greece.
  • Play in Relaxed, Casual, or Expert mode for a fun and fast-paced challenge.
  • Watch entertaining episodes over and over again.
  • Gather achievements and unlock extra bonus levels.

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