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Hotel Solitaire

Hotel Solitaire
Welcome to Hotel Solitaire. Take the elevator to reach one of its 20 floors. Each On each floor you will find 5 rooms, each with its own game of solitaire. Play all the way through to reach the terrace of this happy hotel and enjoy the view. So take a few days off and book yourself into Hotel Solitaire. Play 15 different card games and 100 levels, either against the clock or with no time limit.

Installing your game

Depending on your computer and browser, you can follow these steps to download and install the game:

1. You may have to click 'run' or 'save' first. If you save the file first, you can then locate it on your computer (it's most likely to be on your desktop) and double-click the game icon.
2. If you get a 'User Account Control' message, please click 'yes' or 'continue'. You may have to click 'run' again.
3. Choose your preferred installation options.
4. You may then see a screen with an ad. Click 'next' to download the game to your computer.
5. The game will automatically be installed after downloading.
6. You're now ready to play the game!


If you experience any problems while downloading or installing your game, please go to our help pages.